Tuesday, February 22, 2005

"Josh"-ing over the week-end

Family came over for the week-end and played with my digicam and website. Below are photos they uploaded.

Monday, February 21, 2005

kinda the same pic, shading different Posted by Hello

nephew playing DDR again Posted by Hello

my nephew playing DDR Posted by Hello

the kids playing games Posted by Hello

my nephew christian w/ nice effect Posted by Hello

my nephew trying to sing Posted by Hello

my nephews again kotashaan n nikki Posted by Hello

my nephew norman playing w/ passion Posted by Hello

my nieces and christian watching the BBall game Posted by Hello

my nephew josh playing DDR Posted by Hello

Sunday, February 20, 2005

my nephews Posted by Hello

Thursday, February 17, 2005

Snoozing to Victory Lane

Here’s one self-inflicted morning rush hour:

6:15 a.m. - There goes the alarm clock. Oh well, I have 15 minutes to spare. Tapping on the snooze button, I burrowed deeper into the covers and extended my grand illusions of a dream.

6:40 a.m. - For the umpteenth time, I peered with bleary eyes to check the time. Heck, had it been that long? Uh, uh, not enough time to take a shower (mentally noting to spritz on eau de toilette in the car). Hey, that’s great! 5 more minutes to snooze.

6:45 a.m. - I leapt up from bed, turned the alarm off and nanoseconds later, I was brushing my teeth and everything else.

7:15 a.m. - Dashed down the garage punching the house alarm code, got in and reversed the car and impatiently waited for the garage door to close all the way down.

7:20 a.m. - Wheezed by everyone else on the road and ran a few yellow lights to the infamous freeway 405.

7:25 a.m. - Turned on to NPR radio as traffic slowed down after 2 ½ miles. Mimicking NASCAR, I dodged slow vehicles as I changed lanes countless times before I finally exited.

7:30 a.m. – Awww shucks, I barely missed the left turn only light, no thanks to a slow rig in front. Oh well, make-up time. I rummaged my purse for a lip gloss. Thank heavens, the light turned green as I dropped the eyeliner near the gas pedal.

7:35 a.m.- Clocked-in. Whew (victory dance)!!! Gasping for breath after running across parking garage then up two flights of stairs.

Note: On non-rush days, I sedately take the elevator up the 2nd floor to clock-in at 7:25 a.m., that is, if I’m lucky enough to get out of the house by 7:00 a.m. and the 405 freeway is nice.

Monday, February 07, 2005

My hubby Valentine

January was a very wet month, literally and otherwise due to an on-going serious pocket book malfunction from the holiday trip. Hence, I was thrilled to get a windfall via a freebie ticket to the Walt Disney Concert Hall. Thanks to a grand dame, my faithful gal-pal who thought about me first. Who would refuse Shumann being played by a gorgeous French pianist? It was an evening of romance with L.A. Phil though I was left unimpressed with the world renowned acoustic design.

February is very promising. It started off great with dear old friends who readily came out of the woodwork for after-work hours of chikahan and plum wine paired with half-priced Japanese delicacies.

Hubby and I began our tedious video editing and straightened the house back to its normal self. We also managed to prune our front tree and backyard roses.

Being the month of unbelievably over-priced flowers, gastronomical chocolates and no open tables at A-rated restaurants, I value hubby's priceless love letter to me. This was written following our failed IVF procedure years ago. It began like this...

It's very hard to face reality when we feel so confident and optimistic that the medical procedures we went through is a success ... and there's no word to describe what we're feeling right now. If we let this feeling creep in and defeat us, we will lose ourselves in the process ... then, a harsher, more painful reality sets in ...

So ... what must we do now? We cannot go backward nor can we stand still ... the challenges ahead are difficult but we MUST move on! There are things within our grasp and events we can control but those we cannot, it's up to Him to provide us. We prayed, labored and pushed ourselves to this juncture but whatever crossroads we face, we can only take a chance. And even if we failed or fail again if we try, I'm proud of you for taking the chance ...

So ... here we are ... we can beat the odds if we keep our heads high, keep our minds and hearts strong, feel humbled and keep believing that someday, somehow ... God's blessing will come our way ...

I love you very much ...

I must have done something good!