Friday, April 28, 2006


I can't promise to post more insightful writings than my previous entries of mundane stuff as nothing much went on during the entire Lenten Season. Except for an exciting drive tour on Palm Sunday with out-of-towners visiting, I alternately went to work and church throughout Holy Week culminating in Easter Sunday with our families. For those of you who have a lot of time, I highly recommend Wikipedia for factual and interesting information about this season instead of boring you with my own ruminations.

One good result I can't stop myself from sharing is that my weighing scale continued to shock me with my rapidly downward numbers everytime I stepped on it. My religious fasting on fish, fruits and veggies all season is now evident by my clothes loosening up in the right places. Wooohoooo!!!!

Here are this month's eggscetera:

Someone's gotta stay home and compulsively clean the house, tackle 5 loads of laundry and 2 hampers of ironing. Who else but me and myself with just a little help from Hubby who's been patiently tracking our unseasonable rain and cold weather for mercy so he could practice his golf swing again.

I obliged hubby and attended his townmate's wake. Unless it's necessary, I usually don't look at the dead body because of the nightmares that ensue. I for one would prefer cremation because I want to be remembered how I was alive and not how I last looked as a corpse. Also, I am sorry that I don't heartily appreciate the all-you-can-eat buffet next door to the dead body nor being seen with the dead laughing and smiling for a last camera pose. One thing great though is that when death happens, close family ties would tide you over.

Hubby and I had agreed to try out having a dog but here's why I changed my mind. One nice afternoon, I decided to walk in the park near my work to break my daily workout routine at the gym. After finishing 1 of 2 rounds walking around the lake that smelled of dog waste, I wished I was back in the sweaty and crowded gym for a turbo kickboxing class instead. Sorry niece E, I don't think I can live with the smell of dog waste around my house.

Lastly, here are some photo shots I took this month of new and old faces and places.

Thursday, April 13, 2006

Hair by H

I hope you can tell from the pictures above that I enjoyed my recent visit to my favorite hairdresser, HRH (His Royal Highness)H. Gosh, I can't remember anymore the last time he cut my hair because 1 -He's always booked (Yeah, he's no longer our best-kept secret), 2- I live 33 miles away and if one is late for appointments, he won't provide service, 3- His artistic mood swings have been so unpredictable lately, I fear for my hair.

But one happy hour afternoon, girlfriend A and I were in his area so I thought of swinging by to say hello. Lo and behold, he was in an amiable mood. I didn't even need to grovel for an unscheduled haircut as he worked my hair past his shift. Needless to say, he chatted my head away to a new trendy, wash and blow-dry look that I can happily live with for the next three months or so. That's how good he is, really. He's the next best thing to Jose Eber without the hefty price.

Before I log off, in case you're wondering where I got my accessories in the pix, they are gifts from Doc M bought at SM Philippines.